The Newborn

Preparation Course


A new mom's guide to mastering motherhood and life with a newborn so you feel confident and absolutely enjoy caring for your baby.

Get The Newborn Preparation Course Now !


The Newborn

Preparation Course

A new mom's guide to mastering motherhood and life with a newborn so you feel confident and absolutely enjoy caring for your baby.

Are You:

A new expectant mom who is feeling unsure about how to care for her newborn?

A recently delivered mom and already feeling overwhelmed?

Already dealing with mom guilt? Feeling like everyone else has it together and you are afraid you are going to mess up caring for your baby?

Feeling overwhelmed about all the information out there to prepare for your baby and would like to know what the BOTTOM LINE is?

What Would it Feel

Like to:

feel confident as a new mom?

Know you have all it takes to be a great mom for your newborn baby?

Not have to second guess your every decision about caring for your baby?

Know when to seek medical attention for your baby and when not to worry?

Meet Dr. Obidi

Hello! I'm Dr. Obidi, a board certified pediatrician practicing for over 17 years in Western Maryland and a father of 3 kids.

My passion is to guide new expectant and recently delivered moms to understand how to care for their newborn baby and what to expect so they can feel confident and empowered as a first time mom and ultimately enjoy their babies

I have had the privilege of caring for over one thousand newborns and their moms over the course of my career. 

After seeing the same questions and concerns over and over again, I've come to understand what every new mom needs to know to feel confident and prepared to receive her newborn and care for them safely

I love to support moms of newborns like you and guide them to see how very capable and confident they can be.

  I've watched hundreds of moms make this transformation and it will be my utmost pleasure to guide you on the same journey. 

What people are saying about

The Newborn Preparation Course

"It was great attending the course. I enjoyed Dr. Obidi's style of delivery with illustrations. I acquire enough information/tools to be prepared taking care of my new baby as she progresses from one milestone to another with minimal panic"

- Okechukwu O (a dad)

" Dr. Obidi is very approachable and created a safe and comfortable space for me to be able to ask questions. I also liked the length of the course and the one hour recorded sessions that could be referenced at a later date. I think that the content was excellent! It's a great introductory course to being a new mom! It will give you the education and perspective to be confident in your early decision making as a new parent and in the process minimize your anxiety of the unknown"

- Jeannette LaBelle

"It was great! I liked it all. I learned about breastfeeding, baby's poop, that I'm the best mom for my baby, and so much more. "

- Carolyn Wiley

What Dr. Obidi's Patients are saying

"Since Dr. Obidi walked into the hospital room my husband said "this doctor knows about kids".
Dr. Obidi is a professional, kind, gentle and patient pediatrician. He is so good with our baby from the very first visit at the hospital. When the nurses and doctors found out who our pediatrician was they all said "you got a good one". Every appointment he answers all my questions. In the beginning, me and my husband had different opinions about treating babies. And I like the way Dr. Obidi said that you better do what mommy wants, so she will feel good. Well, thank you for your wonderful job, Dr. Obidi."

- Sarana Tsyrendorzhieva

"Dr. Obidi is truly amazing!! Fantastic with kids and answers all questions without feeling rushed. We switched between a few different doctors before finding this practice and I am beyond happy for the help he has given us these past few months!"

- Whitney Hoover

"Dr. Obidi is the best when it comes to kids. He will address any of your concerns and explain everything until you feel comfortable with the information."

-Katie Mcken

"I've always felt comfortable with Dr. Obidi. He always openly listens to my concerns, even when I've felt they were bizarre. I trust his medical opinion and know Braedyn will continue to grow healthy and strong with his guidance"

-Brooke Lawrence


My Newborn Preparation Course

This course is for you if

  • You are a new expectant mom who is ready to learn what she needs to be confident and ready when her baby arrives
  • Not constantly wonder what you should know and are afraid you don't
  • Be confident that you can care for your baby safely and know when to seek medical help if needed

This course is also for you if

  • You are recently delivered and your baby is less than 2 months old
  • You are already overwhelmed or anxious about caring confidently for your newborn baby.

The Newborn Preparation Course is taught by Dr. Obidi, a board certified pediatrician with experience caring for thousands of babies.

The course is taught in 4 modules which you can learn from on demand.

Module 1:

In this Module You Will:

Learn about The Confident Mom Mindset and how this sets you up for success caring for your baby

Understand what happens to your baby right after birth so you are less anxious those first few hours after your baby is delivered because you know what to expect.

You will be equipped with how to handle things if things don't go as planned or as you expected.

Module 2:

In this Module You Will:

Learn invaluable tips about feeding your newborn, whether you have decided to breastfeed, bottle feed or do both.

Understand your baby's sleep cycle and how to maximize your rest so you can show up strong for your baby.

Learn how to identify postpartum blues and the difference with that and postpartum depression and how to get the care needed

Module 3:

In this Module You Will:

Understand common misconceptions most new moms have about their newborn babies that cause massive anxiety. Be armed with this knowledge and reduce worry.

Recognize the most common worrisome signs every new mom should know so you can ACT FAST and get your baby the medical attention that's needed.

Learn how to choose a pediatrician that's best for your family.

Understand how to prepare for your baby's first pediatrician office visit so you have a productive visit.

Module 4:

In this Module You Will:

Learn all about your baby's poop. When to worry and when not to.

Learn to recognize some common skin rashes and conditions and how to care for your baby's skin.

Get to understand some tips to care for your baby's umbilical stump and the one misconception that can affect bonding with your baby.

Understand how to care for your baby's circumcision so you aren't anxious about it.

Total value of course:
$947 $247

I'm sure you can see how amazing it would be to have all this information down packed before your baby arrives or shortly after they are delivered so you can be totally ready to crush being a new mom.

To further support you on this journey I have put together a GREAT BONUS for you.

Recorded session with Doula

Meet Keisha Graham PD, CBE, a to Labor trained professional birth doula. She uses the experience she has gained as a doula as well as her training to provide physical, emotional & evidence based information to support families & their partners.

She believes that birth often unfolds smoothly & safely on it’s own, but sometimes interventions are necessary & desired. Her goal is to provide you with the support, tools & information you need to birth with confidence.

Total Value of Course and Bonuses: $947

Actual Investment for

The Newborn Preparation Course
is only one payment of $247

Enrollment for the course ends October 4th. Don’t delay, REGISTER NOW!

Remember, if you want to be a confident mom, who is prepared to care for her newborn and who is calm and enjoys her baby in the process, then you will have to take action to get there. Click the button below and register to begin the journey

One last thing…

I'm not some newborn preparation magician. I've just been fortunate to work with thousands of babies and their moms over the past 17 years as a board certified pediatrician and I've developed a system of approaching newborn care that has helped hundreds of mom's feel more prepared, more confident and more calm caring for their newborn babies

What I've been able to accomplish with these ladies has worked and now with bringing all the pieces together in one course, I'm confident you will be the exact mom you desire to be. One that is sure of herself when it comes to caring for her baby. One that does not second guess herself or worry about what other people say. One that is not riddled with mom guilt but knows she's the best mom for her baby

I can’t wait to have you join me inside of

The Newborn Preparation Course.
Click the button below to get the course and I look forward to seeing you soon!

Total Value of Course and Bonuses: $947

Actual Investment for

The Newborn Preparation Course
only one payment of $247